Also have a look at Video set ONE: What can I learn from the lives of Adam and Eve to Grow my Faith and Teach me Life Values
Also have a look at Video set TWO: What can I learn from the life of Noah to Grow my Faith and Teach me Life Values
Also have a look at Video set THREE: What can I learn from the life of Abraham to Grow my Faith and Teach me Life Values
Also have a look at Video set TWO: What can I learn from the life of Noah to Grow my Faith and Teach me Life Values
Also have a look at Video set THREE: What can I learn from the life of Abraham to Grow my Faith and Teach me Life Values
Also have a look at Video set FIVE: What can I learn from the life of Joseph to Grow my Faith and Teach me Life Values
What can I learn from the life of Jacob to Grow my Faith and Teach me Life Values
Welcome to this innovative way of teaching the Bible. Although this is aimed at children, deaf, blind, and illiterate people, we have found that many adults also benefit from this style of teaching. In this blog, we present you with training on how to present this program. Then you get the first set of videos loaded with Bible-based training together with questionnaires, which you can use to emphasize the information the videos have provided.
The questions below each video are designed to discuss what the viewer has seen in the video and to guide the presenter of this video in ministering to the audience after the video was presented to them. The idea is to
· test how they have listened,
· re-emphasize important truths to solidify it in their minds and spirits, and
· create a foundation for the Holy Spirit to minister to them through the presenter as the facilitator.
Children of older than ten years of age would be able to do these videos with the questions on their own, but it's generally more fruitful if the parent/worker sits with the children to discuss the video and teach children the Word of God. As you would see in the training as well as on our completed videos, discussing the questions creates an opportunity for the facilitator to present additional relevant teaching as guided by the Holy Spirit. See this presentation by Aunty Jewels as an example of how we do it.
Feel therefore free to make use of this opportunity to speak into the children’s lives on the topic the video has highlighted.
Training is available here
Download from HERE the printable training document and the questionnaires for the videos below. When you present the videos via a laptop computer on a television set, you can use the printed questionnaires to guide you in the discussions (see how to do it in the training at the link above and in the printed download).
Children of older than ten years of age would be able to do these videos with the questions on their own, but it's generally more fruitful if the parent/worker sits with the children to discuss the video and teach children the Word of God. As you would see in the training as well as on our completed videos, discussing the questions creates an opportunity for the facilitator to present additional relevant teaching as guided by the Holy Spirit. See this presentation by Aunty Jewels as an example of how we do it.
Feel therefore free to make use of this opportunity to speak into the children’s lives on the topic the video has highlighted.
The questions are designed to bring over a pertinent point and it is preferable that you stick closely to them.
Training is available here
Download from HERE the printable training document and the questionnaires for the videos below. When you present the videos via a laptop computer on a television set, you can use the printed questionnaires to guide you in the discussions (see how to do it in the training at the link above and in the printed download).
22. God's Plan with Jacob and Esau
plan with Jacob and Esau Questions
Genesis 25:19-28, Psalm
139, Romans 12:6-8, Matthew 25:14-30
Intended Outcome:
God has a special plan for you which only you can
He looks at your heart to see whether you are
available for His service.
You have one or more special gifts that you
should use to the best of your ability.
Q: When God wants to use
you, what does He look for? He wants to
A: (What
is in your heart – what are you like)
Q: When God made you in
your mother’s womb, what did He have
A: (A special
Q: Why is it wrong to kill
(Because God has a great plan for every
person that is born –
facilitator to expand on it. Some are
destined to be great
leaders, teachers, great musicians, great
sports persons, etc.)
Q: What did the Lord give
to each of you?
A: (A
special ability)
Q: According to the video,
what kind of things does the Lord plan
for you?
A: (Things
that only you can do)
Q: Can anybody be you?
Q: Can anybody do what you
do well?
Q: What does the video say
you should do then?
(Look for opportunities to obey the Lord
when He wants to use
Memory Verse:
139:23: Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! (ESV)
Romans 12:6: Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us,
let us use them. (ESV)
23. Esau Rejected God’s Gift
29:11: For I know the
plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
24. Jacob Cheated his Dad
27. Love your Enemies
23. Esau Rejected God’s Gift
Rejected God’s Gift Questions
Genesis 25:27-34, Jeremiah
29:11, Ephesians 3:20, Matthew 6:33.
Intended Outcome:
The Lord wants you to put Him
first – above everything else in your life.
If the Lord gives you a gift, you should
appreciate it and make the most of it.
You should seek the best the Lord has for your
You should make an effort to find out what the
Lord has in mind for your life and pursue it.
Q: Why did Jacob hold onto
Esau’s ankle when they were born?
(He actually wanted to be the first born.)
Q: Why did Jacob want to
be the first born?
(He wanted the blessings that go along
with being the first born.
He wanted to continue with the plan God
had promised his
grandfather Abraham.)
Q: Did Esau care about the
importance of being the firstborn?
Q: How do we know it?
(He gave that right away to Jacob in
exchange for food.)
Q: Why did Esau lose what
the Lord had in mind for him?
(He put the things that were important to
him ahead of what was
important to the Lord. He did not care about God’s plan and
blessings for his life.)
Q: What is a blessing?
(Something good you proclaim over
somebody else. Facilitator to
expand. Also stress what shouldn’t be said:
things like you are
stupid, naughty, etc)
Q: What kind of blessings
can we speak over other people?
A: (You are clever, special, will be successful, you are good in
that..., you will make a good
salesperson etc.)
Q: According to the video,
if you only do what you want
to do, what
is it that you miss?
(God’s amazing plan for your life.)
Q: According to the video,
what is it you should find out?
(What it is the Lord has in mind for you.)
Ephesians 3:20: With God’s power working in us, He can do much, much more
than anything we can ask or think of. (ERV)
24. Jacob Cheated his Dad
Cheated his Dad Questions
Genesis 27, Matthew
25:14-30, Romans 12:6-8.
Intended Outcome:
Be grateful for what God has given you.
Desire what the Lord has in mind for you and make
the best of it.
Go to great extents to accomplish that which you
know the Lord wants you to have or do.
Don’t be careless about the Lord and what He has
for you.
Q: Isaac called Esau and
told him to cook a deer for him. What did
Isaac plan to do after he had eaten?
(Speak a blessing over Esau. Facilitator
to imagine or research
the procedure of pronouncing a blessing and
dramatize/explain it to the audience.)
Q: Rebekah heard when
Isaac spoke to Esau. What did she and
Jacob do to Isaac?
(They deceived him by pretending that
Jacob was Esau.)
Q: Why did they do it?
(They wanted Jacob to get Esau’s blessing.)
Q: Why was this not wrong
in God’s eyes?
(To the Lord Jacob was now actually the firstborn,
since Esau
sold his rights as firstborn to Jacob.)
Q: God has given each of
you gifts and talents. If you don’t use
them, how will you make God feel?
A: (Unhappy. Your gifts are precious to the Lord and He expects of
you to use them every day. However,
facilitator needs to explain
the Lord’s
grace and that He will keep giving you second
chances to repent and use what He has
given you.)
Q: If you do develop your
gifts and talents, how will the Lord
A: (Happy.)
Q: What will He then do?
(He will bless you and give you more!
[Matthew 25:29])
Facilitator is to explain
that Jesus said the following in the context of gifts and talents. It also
involves opportunities to be obedient.
Matthew 25:29: For to everyone who has will more be given, and
he will have an abundance. (ESV)
25. Jacob’s
Dream Questions
Genesis 28, John 14
(especially verses 15, 21 & 23), John 15 (especially verse 10), Psalm 37
Intended Outcome
If you desire the things God has for you, you will receive them if you search and ask for them.
If you love Jesus by doing what He tells you to
do, He will show you more of Himself.
Because you love Jesus, Father God will love you even more.
The Lord God is always faithful and will keep His
promises, but you’ll have to do your part before He’ll fulfil His promises.
Q: What did Jacob do to
get away from Esau who wanted to kill
(His father, Isaac, sent him to find a
wife for himself amongst his
Q: On the way there, what
did Jacob dream about?
(He saw a staircase between him and
heaven with angels
up and down the stairs.)
Q: In the dream God told
Jacob three things. What were they?
(a. He would give Jacob and his offspring
all that land.
His offspring would be many people.
c. Through Jacob’s offspring all the
families of the earth will be
Q: What promise did Jacob
make to the Lord?
(That he will always serve the Lord.)
Q: The video said two
things about the Lord God. What were they?
(Facilitator to prompt by saying:
a. The
Lord is always... and the audience answers... faithful.
b. When He makes a promise He... and the
audience answers...
keeps it!)
6. Q: Why did Jacob make a
plan to get the Lord’s blessing?
A: (Because
he really wanted it.)
Q: Who is it that puts
desires in your heart to do good things?
(Jesus, through the Holy Spirit.)
Q: What should you do when
you get a desire to do good?
A: (You
should do it with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.)
Q: Jesus wants to show you
who He is. There are three things you
can do and then He will show you who He is.
What are they?
A: (a. Read your Bible so you can know what
Jesus wants from
you so you can obey it.
b. Love the Lord by doing what He tells
you to do.
c. Love
others by doing good things for them.)
1 John
3:18: Dear
children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
26. The
Lord’s Favour
Lord’s Favour Questions
Genesis 29 & 30, Psalm
37 (especially verses 25 & 26), Philippians 4 (especially verse 19)
Intended Outcome:
Don’t rely on humans. Trust the Lord.
If you look for and ask for what you need from
the Lord, He’ll provide it according to His will.
If you put your trust in the Lord and depend on
Him, He will give you favour.
You should listen carefully how the Lord leads
you to provide for your needs, just like He did with Jacob.
Q: What was the name of
the girl Jacob liked a lot? Tip: He helped
her water his uncle’s sheep.
Q: How many years did
Jacob agree to work for his uncle Laban in
exchange for Rachel?
(Seven years.)
Q: What happened after
seven years?
(Laban gave him Lea, Rachel’s older
sister, whom Jacob did not
love. Facilitator to explain what the Bible
says about the family
custom that the older sister should marry
Q: In order to marry
Rachel as well, what did Jacob offer Laban?
(To work another seven years if he could
marry Rachel as well,
soon after he had married Lea.)
Q: Did Jacob accept the
salary Laban offered him when he wanted
to leave after fourteen years?
A: (No.)
6. Q: Why not?
(Because he did not trust Laban and knew
the Lord’s blessing can give him a much better income.)
7. Q: What did the Lord then
do for Jacob?
A: (He gave Jacob many, many spotted goats
and sheep by means
of a miracle. This made Jacob very rich.)
Q: Why did the Lord do
that for Jacob?
A: (Because Jacob had the Lord’s blessing
which he had received
from Isaac. God also gave him favour
because Jacob wanted it
and trusted the Lord for it.)
9. Q: If you trust the Lord
and depend on Him, you’ll never have to
beg any human being for anything. Why
is that?
A: (You’ll have the Lord’s favour,
blessing and provision, for that
is what He has promised.)
Philippians 4:19: And my God will supply every need of
yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (ESV)
27. Love your Enemies
your Enemies Questions
Genesis 32 &33,
Matthew 5:38-48, John 13:35
Intended Outcome:
We should always love people, no matter what
happened between us.
To love people means to do good things for them.
This is the only way you can actually love your
God wants us to love people so His name can be
1. Q: Why did Jacob want to
see Esau again?
(He loved and missed Esau.)
2. Q: Why was Jacob scared of
(Because of what he had done when he took
Esau’s birthright.)
3. Q: Why did Jacob send Esau
many gifts?
(To show Esau he was sorry.)
4. Q: Both Esau and Jacob
were wrong when Esau sold his birthright to
Jacob. What did the video say happened in
their hearts
A: (Esau
became angry and Jacob felt guilty and they lost their
5. Q: Do we always understand
why God does things?
6. Q: In spite of what
happened between us and someone else, what
should we always do?
(We should love people.)
7. Q: Jesus told us to love
our enemies. Can we feel love for our
(No, because they do bad things to us it
is not easy to feel love
8. Q: So, how can we then
love our enemies?
(By doing
good things for them to show them we love them.)
9. Q: Why would we do this?
(Because people can then see God’s love for them through what
we do.)
Matthew 5:44-45: I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those
who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. (NIV)
28. The
Struggle at Night
Struggle at Night Questions
with everyone. (NIV)
Genesis 32:22-32, Romans
8:37, Romans 12:18
Intended Outcome:
If you seek and desire that which is important to
the Lord, He will bless you.
Christ has given you the victory over your
circumstances. In Christ you are more than a conqueror.
We ought to maintain good relationships with
people, for people are important to the Lord.
We ought to repent and make right where we have
wronged people.
Q: Jacob was scared of
Esau. Why did the Lord show Jacob the
army of angels??
(So that Jacob could know he was safe in
God’s hands. The
number of angels was more than the men with
Q: What did Jacob do to
make Esau calm down?
(He sent Esau many gifts.)
Q: Why did the Man, who
actually was the Lord, attack Jacob that
(He wanted to test Jacob to see how
serious Jacob was about
plans with his life.)
Q: During the struggle,
what did Jacob ask the Lord to do for him
before he would let Him go?
A: (He
had to first bless Jacob.)
Q: What does this show us
about Jacob?
(Jacob fought until he got what God
wanted for him. He did not
up easily; for to him it was important to have the Lord’s will
be done in his life.)
Q: If you believe in Jesus
and trust Him, who is it that watch over
(Jesus’ angels.)
Q: Who is it that won
against Satan?
Q: What must you therefore
do to always be a winner with Jesus?
(You must declare that, because Jesus has
won, you also have
victory over Satan.)
Q: Should you fight
against other people?
10. Q: How should you then
fight when people are nasty to you?
(In prayer until God makes things right
between you and by
loving them.)
Romans 8:37: In all these things we are more than conquerors
through him who loved us. (ESV)
12:18: If it is possible, as far
as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. (NIV)