Saturday, October 15, 2022

VIDEO SET FIVE: How to Teach Children, the Deaf, the Blind, and the Illiterate the Bible and Life Values with Very Little Preparation and Effort.

Also have a look at Video set ONEWhat can I learn from the lives of Adam and Eve to Grow my Faith and Teach me Life Values

Also have a look at Video set TWOWhat can I learn from the life of Noah to Grow my Faith and Teach me Life Values

Also have a look at Video set THREEWhat can I learn from the life of Abraham to Grow my Faith and Teach me Life Values

Also have a look at Video set FOURWhat can I learn from the life of Jacob to Grow my Faith and Teach me Life Values

What can I learn from the lives of Joseph to Grow my Faith and Teach me Life Values

    Welcome to this innovative way of teaching the Bible. Although this is aimed at children, deaf, blind, and illiterate people, we have found that many adults also benefit from this style of teaching. In this blog, we present you with training on how to present this program. Then you get the first set of videos loaded with Bible-based training together with questionnaires, which you can use to emphasize the information the videos have provided.

    The questions below each video are designed to discuss what the viewer has seen in the video and to guide the presenter of this video in ministering to the audience after the video was presented to them. The idea is to
    ·         test how they have listened, 
    ·         re-emphasize important truths to solidify it in their minds and spirits, and
    ·         create a foundation for the Holy Spirit to minister to them through the                presenter as the facilitator.
    Children of older than ten years of age would be able to do these videos with the questions on their own, but it's generally more fruitful if the parent/worker sits with the children to discuss the video and teach children the Word of God. As you would see in the training as well as on our completed videos, discussing the questions creates an opportunity for the facilitator to present additional relevant teaching as guided by the Holy SpiritSee this presentation by Aunty Jewels as an example of how we do it. 

Feel therefore free to make use of this opportunity to speak into the children’s lives on the topic the video has highlighted.

The questions are designed to bring over a pertinent point and it is preferable that you stick closely to them.

    Training is available here 

Download from HERE the printable training document and the questionnaires for the videos below.  When you present the videos via a laptop computer on a television set, you can use the printed questionnaires to guide you in the discussions (see how to do it in the training at the link above and in the printed download).

                                            29. Joseph's Dreams

Note: The questions are written for the attention of the facilitator who should ask them in their own words or clarify it to the learner.

29. Joseph’s Dreams Questions 

1. Q: What was the name of Jacob’s wife he loved more that he loved Lea? 
A: (Rachel) 

2. : What was the name of Rachel’s son that Jacob loved more that his other sons? 
A: (Joseph) 

3. Q: What did Jacob give Joseph that made his brothers angry? 
A: (A coat of many colours) 

4. Q: Joseph dreamt of bunches of grain which he and his brothers had made. What did his brothers’ bunches of grain do? 
A: (They bowed before his bunch) 

5. Q: He dreamt a second dream where something bowed before him as well. What was it? 
A: (The sun, moon and eleven stars) 

6. Q: How did his family feel about the dreams? 
A: (Angry, annoyed and jealous) 

7. Q: Why did the Lord give Joseph the dreams? 
A: (To prepare him for what was coming in his life) 

8. Q: What will happen when you live close to the Lord? 
A: (He will also prepare you for what is coming in your life) 

9. Q: What must you NOT do with things that are precious to you? 
A: (Don’t tell it to people who won’t understand) 

10. Q: What may happen if you do tell those people about your special things? 
A: (They may laugh at you and say things that may hurt you)

30. Joseph Sold as Slave

Note: The questions are written for the attention of the facilitator who should ask them in their own words or clarify it to the learner.

30. Joseph Sold as Slave Questions 

1. Q: Who can remember what the two dreams that Joseph dreamt were about? 
     A: Facilitator to prompt as follows, since these are lengthy answers: The first one was about…? (Bunches of grain.) The second was about…? (The sun moon and eleven stars.) And what did they do? (They bowed before Joseph.) 

2. Q: Jacob sent Joseph to his brothers to hear how they were doing. When his brothers saw Joseph, what did they call him? 
    A: (A dreamer.) 

3. Q: What did they plan to do to Joseph? 
    A: (They planned to kill him.) 

4. Q: Who stopped them from doing it? 
    A: (Their eldest brother Reuben.) 

5. Q: What did the brothers do when Reuben was not present? 
    A: (They sold Joseph to Ishmaelite businessmen as a slave.) 

6. Q: Where did these businessmen take Joseph? 
    A: (To Egypt.) 

7. Q: Why did the Lord allow this to happen? 
    A: (He needed Joseph in Egypt to one day help Him rescue Israel.) 

8. Q: The Bible says that if you love Jesus, God will make everything, that happens to you, work out for your ……? 
    A: (Good. Facilitator to expand on this with examples and testimonies 
 As a Christian you should be patient. When you are normally impatient as a person, you may end up getting slow people in the queue in front of you, or when you drive as an adult, the cars in front of you may drive very slowly, and so on. You may then find this hard to handle, but it’s good for you, for you’ll learn to become patient.) 
 As a Christian you should behave well when you’re angry. If you normally get angry easily, a lot of things may happen that make you angry. You may then find it hard not to lose your temper, but it’s good for you, for you’ll learn not to get angry so quickly.) 

9. Q: If you stay happy and smiling when hard things come your way because you love Jesus, what is waiting for you in heaven? 
A: (A prize or reward – facilitator to explain from Matthew 5:11- 12: 
 Because Satan rules the earth, God and His people are not really welcome on earth. 
 You therefore will have a hard time from Satan and his people when you love and obey Jesus. 
 If you don’t mind this and still happily smile about it, the Lord will reward you one day in heaven with a prize.) 

Memory verse: 

Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

31. Live to Honour the Lord

Note: The questions are written for the attention of the facilitator who should ask them in their own words or clarify it to the learner.

31. Live to Honour the Lord Questions 

Intended outcome 

 If you live righteous and do everything well you’ll have favour with God and man. 
 Run away from sexual sin. 
 Sin messes up your friendship with God and, if you live in sin, He cannot bless you as He would have liked to. 


1. Q: Who did Joseph work for in Egypt? 
    A: (Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh’s guard.) 

2. Q: What was special about how Joseph worked? 
    A: (He worked hard, did good work, and the Lord blessed him.) 

3. Q: Who else did the Lord bless because of Joseph? 
A: (Potiphar.) 

4. Q: Someone had other plans with Joseph. Who was it? 
    A: (Potiphar’s wife.) 

5. Q: What did she want to do with Joseph? 
    A: (Sleep with him and cause him to sin against God.) 

6. Q: Who do you think encouraged Potiphar’s wife to tempt Joseph? 
    A: (Satan, who wanted Joseph to sin so he could lose God’s blessings.) 

7. Q: Did Joseph sleep with her? 
    A: (No, he ran away.) 
8. Q: What should you do when temptation comes to you? 
    A: (Run away from it as fast as you can.)
9. Q: What do you think count as sexual sin? (Facilitator to adjust these questions to the age of the children,                keeping in mind that in certain cultures children are introduced to the sexual from a very early age.)
    A: (I. Sleep with the opposite sex outside of marriage. 
         II. Looking at pornography. 
         III. Flirtation with no intention to honour the person. I.e. doing it lustfully. 
         IV. Homosexuality. 5- Alcohol weakens your inhibitions. 
         V. Revealing clothing turns men on.) 

10. Q: Why should you run away from temptation to sin sexually? 
      A: (Sin messes up your friendship with God and, if you live in sin, 
          I. He cannot bless you as He would have liked to. 
          II. It also affects your relationship with other people. 
          III. It opens the door for Satan to mess you about and twist up your relationships. 
          IV. Facilitator to explain that sexual sin binds you to the person with whom you do it. 
          V. Pornography does the same – adultery. When you marry one day, you get into bed with all these                      women.)

Memory verse: 

1 Corinthians 6:18: Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.

32. God Needed Joseph in Prison

Note: The questions are written for the attention of the facilitator who should ask them in their own words or clarify it to the learner.

32. God Needed Joseph in Prison Questions 

1. Q: How do you think Joseph felt when he was thrown in prison innocently? 
    A: Different individual possibilities from audience 

2. Q: What has God arranged for Joseph to do in prison? 
     A: He had to look after the other prisoners. 

3. Q: Was prison hard for Joseph? 
    A: No, he had a good life in prison. 

4. Q: If you honour God, what does He do for you? 
    A: He looks after you. Examples 

5. Q: What happened to the cupbearer because of his dream? 
    A: He got his job back. 

6. Q: What did Joseph ask him to do? 
    A: To tell Pharaoh about Joseph. 

7. Q: Did the cupbearer remember to do that? 
    A: No. 

8. Q: In spite of everything that looked so bad and wrong to Joseph, what did he actually see? 
    A: God’s goodness to him. 

9. Q: Even if things go bad for you, how should you live and do things? 
    A: In such a way that God’s name are honoured by other people.

33. God made Joseph Ruler

Note: The questions are written for the attention of the facilitator who should ask them in their own words or clarify it to the learner.

33. God made Joseph Ruler Questions 

Chant to be echoed before the video: God’s riches are not money, but are good things done for others. 

Genesis 41:1-44, Galatians 5:22-23, Psalm 37:25 

Intended outcome 

 Joseph received all this power, fame, and riches because he humbled himself and submitted himself to God’s will. 
 God’s riches are not money, but are good things done for others. 
 We should be more interested in bearing the fruit the Lord expects of us, such as the fruit of the Spirit, than gathering material riches. 
 Believing in Jesus makes you a child of the King of kings and you don’t have to beg for anything. (Psalm 37:25) 


1. Q: One night Pharaoh had two dreams. What did he do the next morning? 
    A: (He called all his magicians to tell him what the dreams meant, but they couldn’t.) 

2. Q: After Pharaoh had taken Joseph out of prison, he said Joseph had the power to make the meaning of dreams known. What did Joseph then say? 
    A: (He said he had no power, but God has.) 

3. Q: The two dreams had the same meaning. What was the meaning of the fat cows and the beautiful heads of grain? 
    A: (Seven good years with plenty of food.) 
4. Q: And the meaning of the thin cows eating the fat cows? 
    A: (Seven years of famine, in other words no food in the land.) 

5. Q: Joseph then told Pharaoh he should put food away during the good years, so there will be enough food for the seven years of famine. This is not in the video, but what can we learn from it? 
    A: (We should always put money away for the times when things don’t go well. This is an opportunity for the facilitator to give brief advice on saving.) 

6. Q: If you believe in Jesus, what are you then? You are a... 
    A: (Child of the King of kings. Therefore, you don’t have to feel or act like a beggar or a tramp.) 

7. Q: Is God’s riches money? 
    A: (No.) 

8. Q: Name a few of God’s riches? 
    A: (Facilitator to draw it from the audience with help and promptings see Galatians 5:22-23 below.) 

Memory Verse: 

Galatians 5:22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (NIV)

34. Plenty and Little

Note: The questions are written for the attention of the facilitator who should ask them in their own words or clarify it to the learner.

34. Plenty and Little Questions 

1. Q: Joseph was hurt because of what his family had done to him. What did he do about it? 

 a. Did he shout and hit things? 
 b. Did he sulk and get depressed? 
 c. Did he send a killer to sort them out? 
    A: (He prayed for the Lord to comfort him and give him peace. He also did everything in a way the Lord liked it to be.) 

2. Q: When his sons were born, what did Joseph do to give God the glory? 
     A: (He gave his sons names that show how good God was to him. Manasseh meant: “God has made me forget all my troubles”, and Ephraim meant: “God has made me fruitful in this land that made me so unhappy”.)

3. Q: What should you do if people hurt you? Facilitator to explain what hurt is. 
    A: (You should forgive them. Facilitator to explain what forgiving entails. Forgiveness also means blessing them and loving them with good things you do for them to the glory of God.) 

4. Q: If you do that, what will the Lord do for you? 
    A: (He will bless you and give you peace. He will work with you to restore your relationship with the one you forgave.) 

5. Q: The Lord promised to meet all our needs. Instead of worrying how we will get what we need, He wants us to do something else. What are these two things? 
    A: (He wants us to love Him and take care of our relationship with Him. He also wants us to love people and care for them.) 

Memory Verse: 

Matthew 6:33: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

35. Payback Time! 

Note: The questions are written for the attention of the facilitator who should ask them in their own words or clarify it to the learner.

35. Payback Time! Questions 

1. Q: If you were Joseph and your brothers had treated you like that, would you have hated them and told them how bad they were? 
    A: (Hands up, who says YES you would have. Who says NO?) 

2. Q: When Joseph had told his brothers about his dreams many years before, they laughed at him and hated him for it. But the dreams came true when the brothers bought food from Joseph. How did it happen? 
    A: (His brothers bowed low before Joseph, not knowing it was him.) 

3. Q: Why did Joseph accuse them of being spies and put them in jail? 
    A: (They had to suffer a little because of the crime they did when they had sold Joseph and caused their father a lot of heartache.) 

4. Q: What did Joseph do to show God that he actually still love them? 
    A: (He gave their money back by putting it inside their bags of grain.) 

5. Q: We said in the video that we often do bad things to Jesus. What do you think we meant by that and how is it possible? 
    A: (a. Jesus told us in the Bible that when we hurt the people whom Jesus loves, or not look after them, we actually do it to Him. These are things like gossip, being nasty, being rude, being jealous, ignoring people’s needs, not prepared to help people when you are asked to. 
         b. When we keep on sinning, we make God’s enemies laugh at Him and mock Him – demons and people alike. “Look at him, he calls himself a Christian, but look what he does!”) 

6. Q: Will Jesus stop loving you when you struggle with temptation and sin. 
    A: (No, he’d rather help you if you call for help.) This was one way of looking at why Joseph had his dreams and the way they came true. In the next video we are going to have a look at a different reason for this.

36. Joseph Reunited with his Family

Note: The questions are written for the attention of the facilitator who should ask them in their own words or clarify it to the learner.

36. Joseph Reunited with his Family Questions 

1. Q: Joseph gave the brothers’ money back at the goodness of his heart. Why were they scared when they found it? 
    A: (They felt guilty because of what they did to Joseph, and thought this was a trap. They actually feared God’s punishment.) 

2. Q: When you do something you know you shouldn’t do, what do you usually feel? 
    A: (Guilty and scared you may be caught out. You constantly look over your shoulder, in case someone will catch you out.) 

3. Q: If you keep on doing wrong things after you have been warned, what does God have to do? 
    A: (He must discipline you. He makes all kinds of hard things happen to you so you can learn your lesson and stop doing the wrong things.) 

4. Q: Why were the brothers surprised that Joseph set the table according to their ages. 
    A: (How could he know their ages? Explain a little.) 

5. Q: Why were the brothers scared when the soldiers found Joseph’s cup in Benjamin’s bag? 
    A: (If their father Jacob would lose both his beloved sons it would break him. And it would be their entire fault because of what they did to Joseph. God planned it like this to teach them a lesson, but also to make sure Israel’s family is cared for.) 

6. Q: What did the Lord tell Jacob when he heard Joseph was alive in Egypt? 
    A: (He said He sent Joseph ahead to Egypt to prepare the way and that He will make Israel a big nation in Egypt.) 

7. Q: When you allow the Lord to direct your life, what will often happen? 
    A: (All kinds of things that you don’t understand why they happen. God is using these things to work out His plans with your life.) 

8. Q: When they happen, what should you not do and why not? 
    A: (You shouldn’t fear, for God knows what He’s doing.)

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